Presentation - Infills in Neve Ya'akov
מגרש 1 נווה יעקב
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The extensive project under our management is an initiative of the Ministry of Housing to utilize vacant lots within the built-up fabric of various sites in the Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Yaakov area, according to a planning method called In-Fill. Most of the plots are designated as a "General Urban" zone, and the plans offer new residential fabrics with all the accompanying public uses, including fulfilling needs at the neighborhood level.
The Ministry of Housing's design management mission includes the management of a large planning team including architects and various consultants e.g. landscape architects, programming specialists, traffic, roads, water and sewage, environment, geotechnical and other consultants. The office heads this team and is in charge of the statutory advancement of the plans vis-à-vis the various planning and regulatory authorities at the local and district levels, while managing public participation procedures with the residents and community administrations, all fully coordinated with the Ministry of Housing.
The project proposes a total of 1,050 housing units and additional uses in six separate town planning schemes.
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ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176